Sunday, September 12, 2010

Basketball Language Codes

What i meant by 'Basketball Language Codes' is your own specialized instruction or language to instruct your team mates with a followed game strategy.This type of language can be created among your team mates with your own desired style.It doesn'y has to be uniform as long as it is simple and understandable by everyone.

Why is it so important?Well you can't instruct your team mates by shouting out loud right?No.That would be a dumb thing to do since your opponents will know and they'll eventually overcome it directly.Usually,this 'language' is important during the offense stage where your team has to find an opening to score.You can either instruct them with your 'hand-movement-code' or whatever idea that you have.

You can also do this when your team is in the defense stage.This happens when...well as an example,(assume you're at the shooting guard post) you're facing forward,right hand on the front probably high up in the air to block any high-air ball passes and the left hand at the back to detect any opponent's body behind you.One or two of your opponent's team mates might be behind you-asking for a pass since they're open,and that is the function of your left hand.Once you've detected them, (you're not required to look back all the time since the ball carrier is at the front and it is important for you to keep an eye on him or her.Just a quick glance at the back would do) you can shout out loud 'HIGH POST' as for the shooting guard.If you're at the power forward position,then you can shout out loud 'LOW POST'.

This kind of language comes in various forms.You can shout out loud but make sure it is only understandable by your team mates,not your team mates.When you have done this many times,with this 'secret language code' thing,you'll realise that you wouldn't be needing it anymore since you can already read your team mates' movements just with thinking or 'eye-to-eye' communication.

...and Oh,I would like to infrom something!I got one big project coming right up probably in a few weeks!I won't be telling you guys now since it is just started.I'll announce its official pre-launch once it is accomplished in a future post.Stay in touch if you want to find more about its progress :).

1 comment:

  1. I'll announce its official pre-launch once it is accomplished in a future post.Stay in touch if you want to find more about its progress :). Trophy Store
