Monday, November 21, 2011

Intensify Your Focus On The Rim (Part 2)

It really is not that hard for you to aim your shoot. The only thing that prevents you to do so is how you do it. So basically the main thing that you have to get right first is your hand movement, in other words, how you release the ball, but that's not the thing that I'm gonna talk about today! It's how you implement your total focus on the rim!

Alright, it's very easy for you to do so, and it really is practical but you'll have to practice it a few times, 5 times would be enough. Don't believe me? Try these out.
  1.  Whether you're shooting from far or dribbling towards the rim, take a look at the rim.
  2.  Don't ever shift your focus other than to the ring itself.
  3.  Okay this part is a little bit tricky, it's what I do (which always work). Start by putting deep focus on the rim. You can actually feel this. you'll get that feeling of getting sucked into total focus or some shit, seriously. To do this, you'll have to stop breathing (that's right), put your total focus, and release it (at the same time, exhale).
  4. Release the ball (shoot the ball) once you release your focus.
  5. Keep an eye and move for a rebound (just in case).
It works for me all the time. You'll be surprised, seriously, just have to put this to your practice daily, and you'll get the hang of it!

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