Friday, September 10, 2010

The Ultimate Fundamental:Basketball Shooting

There won't be any scores or cheers among the audience or crowds if neither of the players on the court don't know how to shoot right?That's the purpose of basketball-to score!That follows with the crucial skill that every basketball players should possess,that is,the shooting skill.It doesn't matter whether you're playing street basketball or not on the court,it is important for you to learn the proper fundamentals of shooting a basketball.Otherwise,you'd look dumb in front of everybody...and nobody wants that.

Firstly,bend your knees while standing.Don't bend too much.Just a slight bend that makes you feel the urge to jump.It's like bringing potential energy to your knees to be converted to kinetic energy as you jump.Make sure your foot is shoulder-width apart from each other.If you're shooting with the right hand,bring your right foot slightly ahead of your left foot.You will feel stabilized once you do this.Your body could endure more resistance as your position now is more deformed and strong than before.Vice versa if you're using left hand for shooting.Now you're done with your foot.Stick to that.

Next,if you're using your right hand to shoot,place your right hand at the back of the ball so that you would see your hand clearly.Make sure only the fingers are in contact with the surface of the ball and not your palm.The other hand,which is the left hand,is to be placed at the left side of the ball,fingers facing front but slightly upwards,about 20-30 degrees.Now bring the ball with your two hands-hands still placed at the location as told-in front of you between your chest and the chin.Bring the ball near to you,still between under your chest and chin but not too close!Probably,20cm to 30 cm apart.When you do this,you will realise that your right hand and left hand is bent and that is natural so stick to that form.This is the initial position before you launch and propel the ball outwards to shoot.

Then,this part  is where the potential energy stored at your legs and hands are converted to kinetic energy.Aim the ball where you want to shoot-at the rim of course,and push the ball outwards with your right hand.Your left hand is used to control the ball's position.Push the ball with your right hand with your estimated force so that the ball would end up at the rim and-the crucial part-flick your fingers a bit,your right hand's fingers of course,flick them downwards so that your wrist would end up with a 'dip' position like the 'Jordan's Dip'.Imagine you're putting the ball inside the hoop with your wrist,that would give you a clearer image of how to do it.Don't flick too hard since it would affect your shooting accuracy rather than perfecting it.Just a slight-natural flick would do.

You will realise that your body would eventually lifted apart a bit due to the potential energy stored at your legs.This happens if you do not intend to jump whilst shooting.If you do,then it would be something expected from you.

These are the fundamentals of a perfect shooting.The explanation is quite complex to understand since there are so many things that you need to practise to get that score!If you want to read more about the fundamentals of shooting,perhaps in depth and the various types of shooting,you can go to here and here.They are two different links so make sure you check them out!:)

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