Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Departure Awaits & AFookies' Birthday!

It's 1st of February today, AFookies' ( second birthday. Me and my business partner celebrated the special day with more baking sessions! Yes it was tiring. Just finished baking. Thankfully, many wished us and we are truly grateful for the support given by the AFans. It's been 2 years and we would never be here without you guys.

 This one's the unbaked MnM cookies, which, we decided to only bake this today!


Our proud logo!

...and that tells something else for me. 12 more days to depart to Australia for my degree studies. Despite that I haven't been studying for about 7 months now, I'm quite excited to actually start this journey. Though, it saddens me when I have to face the fact that I'll be leaving my family behind. I'm gonna miss them a lot. 

This isn't just a visit like many families would do, go there for a week or two, and come back to Malaysia. I'm not saying that I won't be back, just that, I'm not sure yet when will I be back. This is the time when you really have to be strong and independent!

Oh well, nevertheless, I'll be 'documenting' a lot of stuffs from there! Gonna post a lot of interesting things that I might find...or not to this blog! Wish me luck!